The Technology Transfer Office of the University of South Bohemia – PROFFESIONAL SUPPORT for a co-operation of academic and commercial spheres
The Technology Transfer Office of the University of South Bohemia serves to all the faculties and independent departments of the university. Its role is to help to overcome the gap between scientific laboratories and a commercial sphere.
The office is also a contact place for firms which are interested in a co-operation with the university. We establish the co-operation between firms and scientific teams of individual faculties of the University of South Bohemia.
We help both commercial and noncommercial subjects.
We transfer the knowledge and the inventions from the research to practice.
Are you searching for:
- an innovative solution for your business?
- a partner for your exploration?
- a service for the protection of your intellectual property of your invention?
You will get:
- the solution of your technological problems
- the competitive advantage
- the innovative products, the solution without the necessity of investments in your own development
- the contact with scientific experts of the University of South Bohemia