Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases

Center for the Prevention of Civilization Diseases

"Every day we do one of two things — either

we strengthen our health, or support

disease. "

Adelle Davis



Basic information about the center

The aim of the operation of the center is the implementation of intervention of a preventive nature on the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The center staff provides short or long-term preventive interventions according to the wishes and needs of the client, working in medical education and in health education.

The center is composed of three organizational units that will intermingle.

  1. Counseling Center for Health Education
  2. Nutritional counseling
  3. Motion counseling

The Center provides:

  • Awareness-raising activities
  • Individual and group counseling
  • The practice of students


General counseling

  • Measurement of blood pressure, BMI, circumference of waist and hips
  • Consultancy in the field of healthy lifestyles
  • Lectures for the general public focused on current issues
  • The organization of public events with a focus on healthy lifestyle

Specific counseling

Nutritional counseling

  • Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
  • Nutritional advice for all age groups
  • Compilation of individual diet plans

Motion counseling

  • Comprehensive individual motion counseling
  • Compensation and fitness programs
  • Private coaching lessons

Health counseling


  • Measurements of anthropometric indicators - body height and weight, determination of BMI, total body fat with the OMRON device, subcutaneous fat with calipers
  • Measurement of physiological functions--blood pressure, pulse
  • Measurement of biochemical values – blood sugar, total cholesterol, triglycerides, lactate – everything from peripheral blood--from the drops of blood from a finger
  • Measurements of body composition via Bodystat 1500 (determination of total body fat, lean body mass, body water content, basal metabolic rate)
  • Losing weight with the help of the STOB methodology - using cognitive behavioral therapy - individual and organized courses
  • Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner - individually and in groups


  • Evaluation of measured values in relation to individual differences, estimating cardiovascular risk and the risk of type II diabetes.
  • The purpose of our counseling is to strengthen motivation in promoting healthy lifestyles of those at risk even in people undergoing treatment for civilization diseases.

Other services offered

  • Individual and group weight loss courses (STOB methodology using cognitive behavioral therapy)
  • Sensory activation of seniors with dementia, according to the concept of Lere Wehner


Hours for the public:

Tuesday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling - no need to pre-order

Wednesday: 8-11 pm. -Nutritional and motion counseling

Thursday: 2 pm to 5 pm - Health counseling, nutritional counseling and exercise - health counseling without ordering

Individual consultations can be arranged via e-mail or by phone.


Dr. Slavomír Rakouský

Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies

University of South Bohemia

Branišovská 31

370 05 České Budějovice

Czech Republic

Phone/ +420 387 772 279

E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.