Nikon microscope set

Nikon microscope set


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Botany
Branišovská 1016
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout

Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Manufacturer: Nikon
Number of pieces: 1
Year of production: 2009

The Nikon E8Oi microscope, SMZ 1500 stereo microscope with a common scanning device for both devices, the Nikon DS-Fi1 digital camera, as well as PS control and NIS Elements software. The device is designed so that it is possible to observe microscopic objects in a series of light regimes. With both microscopes, the operator has the opportunity to observe specimens both in their own eyepieces, as well as from a highly sensitive camera through the control units and the NIS Elements program on the computer screen. This is an important feature of the integrated educational workplace. This enables demonstrations for a greater number of students during seminar exercises or through connection of the system to a large-screen projection system. The appropriate botanical objects and their internal structures can be variably displayed through the software from both microscopes.


The system is constructed so that it is possible to observe microscopic objects in a series of light regimes. Mainly pollen, microscopic algae (e.g. diatoms), plant phytoliths and other microscopic objects are observed in the transmitted light. The microscope has two light sources for this purpose, namely a classical bottom light but also a mercury lamp for observation in fluorescent light. We use the stereomicroscope mainly for the documentation of plant seeds and other plant parts that require stereoscopic views. It is complemented with a light hose with end polarizing filters that enable the illumination of different types of displayed objects, along with the variable light source. With both microscopes, the operator has the opportunity to observe specimens both in their own eyepieces, as well as from a highly sensitive camera through the control units and the NIS Elements program on the computer screen. This is an exceptionally important feature of the integrated educational workplace. It enables demonstrations for a greater number of students within seminar exercises, or connecting the system to a projection screen. The NIS Elements imaging analysis program deserves special attention. Through it the appropriate botanical objects and their internal structures can be variably displayed from both microscopes. We particularly appreciate the ability of the program to measure the displayed structures and conduct statistical surveys. The program is capable of many special types of views owing to the 3D imaging phase of the Z axis. In this case, the program can produce heightened synthetic images and their 3D projection.


USB Faculty of Science, Blažkův pavilon, B184


Extern: No

Transfer: No

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