Dendrochronological analysis of wood

Dendrochronological analysis of wood


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Botany
Branišovská 1016
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout
Tel.: +420 38777 6262
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The service is based on field sampling of dendrochronological samples either with a Presler drill or chainsaw, or by other means. The samples are transported to the laboratory and measured on the TimeTable instrument. The results are compared with standard curves for specific types of wood. If possible, the date of the felling of a tree is determined or the age of individual items of wood from historic constructions.



The laboratory performs sampling for analysis at the site of the customer, provides storage and the transfer of the material and its comprehensive analysis. We usually count the time of technical collection and consultation as well as the time the spent by the analyst on the given project during the analysis. The price is usually around 400 CZK per hour without VAT. The product is a comprehensive analytical report, usually transmitted in digital form. The price of individual measurement ranges between 500-1000 CZK per measured sample.

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