Restoration ecology - Ecological renewal

Restoration ecology - Ecological renewal


  • Restoration of the landscape

  • Restoration of abandoned fields

  • Restoration of sites disturbed by mining and other industrial activities

  • Restoring river ecosystems (e.g. flood protection)

  • Restoration of degraded meadows

  • Recovering natural forest composition

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Contact information

University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Botany

FS of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420605430008
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Biological monitoring - evaluation of the status of sites damaged due to human or natural disasters

Design of the suitable management of sites damaged by human activities or natural disasters

Leadership of botanical excursions

Guided excursions to restored sites

Lectures on restoration ecology


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