Leadership of ornithological excursions

Leadership of ornithological excursions


University: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Faculty of Science
Department of Zoology
Branišovská 31
City: České Budějovice

The guarantor

Name and surname: František Adamec, technological scout
Tel.: +420605430008
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


An excursion can be organized directly at the site that the customer wants or the ornithologist can recommend an area around the place that the customer prefers. It may be half a day - several days.

In the framework of an excursion you can learn to identify birds by voice and appearance, or even capture birds in nets with a banding demonstration. Other products of nature will also be shown and both the ecology of birds, and landscapes, and nature protection in the Czech Republic will be discussed.

This service is especially suitable for schools, scientific circles and eco-centers, but can also be used for both Czech tourist clubs and farms.

The work can be paid for as other personnel costs or as a service (business license).



The price depends on the length of the excursion. Travel is paid separately

For one ornithologist there should a maximum group of 15 participants.

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