Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics

Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics

Who are we?

The Institute of Mathematics and Biomathematics arose from the decision of the USB FS Academic Senate of 1 January 2009.

What do we do and for whom?

We ensure the teaching of mathematics for USB FS. Together with the BC of the ASCR we primarily focus on mathematical applications in biological and environmental fields.

Why do we exist?

The Institute guarantees the bachelor’s field mathematics for education and the master’s field teaching of mathematics for secondary schools. Both fields are designed to be combined with another subject of study within USB. The institute now also guarantees the bachelor field of applied mathematics. The main directions of research activities of the institute are particularly applications of mathematics in biology and ecology.

What are our aims?

We aim to create an excellent workplace oriented on applications of mathematics, especially in biological and environmental fields.

Where to find us?

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Contact information


Branišovská 31a,

České Budějovice

Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 772 244

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