Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Who are we?
The Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry is a research and educational unit of the Faculty of Science of the University of South Bohemia in the České Budějovice. The education of students takes place in the bachelor’s and master’s courses in Chemistry, Biological Chemistry, Chemistry Education and Teaching Chemistry for Secondary Schools. An integral part of the work of the institute is also the research activity which is closely linked with the quality education of students.
What do we do and for whom?
The research activities of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry are largely linked to the biological disciplines traditionally cultivated at the USB Faculty of Science or at the institutes of the Biology Centre of the ASCR. In addition, it also develops projects to interface with other natural science disciplines at the faculty such as physics, mathematics or computer science. Research at the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry can be divided into several groups: Environmental chemistry, structural biochemistry, biophysical chemistry and nanotechnology
Why do we exist?
The mission of the institute is to develop chemical fields at USB FS, mostly in conjunction with classical and modern biological disciplines that USB FS has built over a long time. The institute educates professionals educated in chemical fields both for the academic sector and the commercial sector or the public sector. In addition to training, the institute also ensures the training of future chemistry teachers for secondary schools in combination with other natural science disciplines.
What are our aims?
The USB Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry should ensure the education of specialists in chemical disciplines with an emphasis on interdisciplinary education at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in the long term.
Where to find us?
Contact information
Branišovská 31a,
České Budějovice
Registration No.: 60076658
Tel.: +420 387 775 533