Building the knowledge and technological transfer in the border area of the South Bohemia Region and Lower Bavaria/ Aufbau des Wissens- und Technologietransfers im Grenzraum Südböhmen/Niederbayern.

The project supported from the European fund for regional development in the frame of the programme called Across Border Co-operation the Czech Republic – Bavaria in the programme period 2014 – 2020.


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Basic information about the project:

Name of the project: Building the knowledge and technological transfer in the border area of the South Bohemia Region and Lower Bavaria/ Aufbau des Wissens- und Technologietransfers im Grenzraum Südböhmen/Niederbayern
Registration number of the project:  48
Programme: Across border co-operation the Czech Republic – Bavaria, priority axis 1b
Beginning of the project: 1/9/2016
Ending of the project: 31/8/2019
Partner of the project: Passau University
Amount of grant:

613.871,60 EUR

The Office of Transfer of Technologies of the University of South Bohemia has been working at university since 2012. Its role is to help to overcome the abyss between the scientific laboratories and the commercial sphere. Since September 2016 The Office of Transfer of Technologies has been involved in a unique project which will link the across border offices of transfer of technologies between two universities - the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and Passau University, whose office of transfer of technologies is even a year younger than the one in České Budějovice. The Bavarian university was chosen because the University of South Bohemia closely co-operates with it and moreover both universities complement each other very well in a scientific sphere. The offices will be a contact place for the firms which are interested in a co-operation with universities in the field of research and development both in Czech and Bavarian regions. Thanks to the project a number of seminars and conferences, which will present to the local commercial subjects how the both universities can be useful, will be held.

The first noticeable event of this project was the conference Knowledge and Technological Transfer – Innovative Region South Bohemia / Lower Bavaria which was held on 10 – 11/5/2017 in České Budějovice. 

Photogallery from the conference is available here.

Completed projects

The project supported from the Operational programme Research and Development for Innovations whose aim is the setting and opening the Centre of Transfer of Technologies with two mutually co-operating departments on the side of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and on the side of the Biological Centre of The Czech Academy of Sciences.

Bridge4Innovation is a project of The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, the South Bohemian Agency for Support of the Innovative Business and the Biological Centre of The Czech Academy of Sciences financed from the European Social Fund of the European Union.