Inovační politika efektivně

Shaping Effective Innovation Policy

The Netherlands´ Path to a Leading Innovative Country

14. 5. 2019, Praha, Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu

Velmi energické, inspirativní, motivační a zároveň přátelské setkání zástupců vlády ČR, respektive Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu, vlády Nizozemska, inovačních lídrů a zástupců firem a útvarů transferů technologií proběhlo v Praze na MPO. Zástupce KTT JU byl pozván pořadatelem akce, kterým byl Aspen Institute Central Europe. Jednání probíhalo výhradně v angličtině.

Key findings and challenges:

- The Netherlands is currently in the top group of innovative countries, Czech Republic has ambitions and the potential to move from the 3rd group upwards.

- First steps between the Netherlands and the Czech Republic have been taken, however, approaches have to become more bottom-up.

- Czech Digital Strategy has been approved with the ambition to tackle digitization with a comprehensive approach — Czech Republic in the Digital Europe, e-government and digital economy and society. Top sectors are artificial intelligence & cyber security. Czech government aspires to host the European hub for Al Research (being supported in the National Al Strategy).

- The priority besides the e-government is Industry 4.0 (upgrading and being competitive in the global value chains)

- The innovation strategy "Country for the future" has been approved in the beginning of the year. However, contributions need to come not only from the government but also from businesses.

- Centralized coordination on national communication is needed: to promote the Czech Republic as a country for the future with technical solutions and excellent science, not just a country with stories. The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for relevant communication strategy.

- The Netherlands believes public- private partnerships are a key to success. Dutch innovation policy is focused on all sectors: from tourism to retail and industry.

- The Netherlands created top teams of each sector with representatives of the government. These teams make an agenda for the sector to become most competitive sector in the world.

- Ask top-sector to make innovation contract with industry and academia. Academia know where science is going and industries know where the market is going. Scientists need to be taught to become entrepreneurs.- Startups and spin-offs need to be supported to help them go global quickly. Currently, obstacles are experienced in creating spin-offs in the Czech Republic. Next step should be creating spin-offs under universities. However, this process is complicated as it would require legal changes.

- Education is crucial for innovation: not only offering English degrees but improving infrastructure to attract students, as well as academicians and experts from abroad. Create first functional systems and then attract smart people.

- Policy is needed to support public-private partnerships, universities are currently afraid to be penalized for making partnerships with private companies in the Czech Republic.

- It is important to change the culture and mindset that is needed for innovation. Businesses should invite more young people to change culture and mindsets from within. Give students more practical knowledge and experience at businesses.

- Very clear focus on competitive advantages is key. The priority is focus on the hole process rather than specific outcomes.

- To innovate is not business as usual (risk), permission and authority to make exceptions are needed. To take risk is a difficult task for a business company (typical manager has to avoid risk), not speaking about taking risk in case of a government authority.

- The Euro contributed to a more stable environment for trade in the Netherlands. It can be recommended to innovate industry before joining the Eurozone.

- Priority for the EU should be creating internal market and making cooperation easier across borders, to motivate cooperation across borders.

- Cooperation within the EU is important: winning is only possible by partnering up with other European countries after end of Horizon 2020.



     To become innovation leader, it is needed:

o To change mindset;

o To change regulation;

o To change education;

o To create innovation ecosystem, including infrastructure attractive for (smart) people;

o Think small with deep knowledge — to preserve the existing ecosystem, to change it step by step.

- The local investors should develop different approach and get interested in taking risk.

- Change mindset from collaboration to partnering, partnership is permanent, while collaboration is usually collaboration on certain project(s).


Follow up:

     The Embassy of the Netherlands and Aspen Institute Central Europe will organize bilateral sectoral workshops (e.g. high tech, healthcare, Al, education) to foster further cooperation and partnerships.