Zemědělská fakulta slavnostně otvírá výukový minipivovar
V úterý 21.6.2016 bude na Zemědělské fakultě Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích slavnostně otevřena nová budova pro praktickou výuku studentů.
Ochrana duševního vlastnictví ve výuce
Studenti Jihočeské univerzity měli v právě končícím letním semestru letošního akademického roku poprvé možnost přihlásit se na zcela nový předmět Ochrana duševního vlastnictví. Nový předmět byl nabízen jako volitelný a rozšířil nabídku Zemědělské fakulty, k tomuto rozšíření došlo zejména z iniciativy vedoucí Kanceláře transferu technologií, dr. Štemberkové, a děkana této fakulty, prof. Šocha.
Předmět byl určen pro začátečníky v tomto oboru a poskytl studentům přehled o právních platných úpravách v celé paletě duševního vlastnictví především pak v oblasti autorského práva a právní ochrany průmyslového vlastnictví, zejména vynálezů, užitných vzorů, průmyslových vzorů a ochranných známek u nás i ve světě. Důraz byl dále kladen na pochopení tzv. třetí role univerzit – spolupráci s průmyslem a aplikační sférou reprezentovanou aktivitami označovanými jako ´transfer technologií a znalostí´, neboli přenos výsledků výzkumu a vývoje do praxe.
„Mluvila jsem o tom se studenty. Je to pro ně nové a lákavé téma. Nabídku nového předmětu přivítali a zcela určitě jim rozšířila povědomí o důležité oblasti, “ konstatovala dr. Štemberková, která výuku zajišťuje.
První možnost absolvování nového předmětu využilo 13 studentů oboru Agropodnikání, všichni jej úspěšně zakončili zkouškou s celkovým průměrem 1,8.
Personální změna v týmu KTT
Počátkem července proběhne v týmu Kanceláře transferu technologií (KTT) změna na pozici technologického skauta Zdravotně sociální fakulty. Novým členem týmu se stane RNDr. Karel Roháček, CSc., který nahradí RNDr. Slavomíra Rakouského, CSc., jenž v létě odchází do důchodu.
Dr. Roháček je zkušeným odborníkem nejen v oblasti ochrany duševního vlastnictví a transferu technologií. Působil po několik měsíců v Kanceláři transferu technologií Biologického Centra AV ČR, v.v.i (BC AV)., mimo jiné zde absolvoval vzdělávací kurzy „Technology Transfer Manager“, od stupně ‚Junior‘po stupeň ‚Expert‘. V průběhu svého působení v BC AV pracoval v oblasti biofyziky fotosyntézy a pro svůj výzkum vyvinul se spolupracovníky novou metodu, založenou na principu interference koherentního záření HeNe laseru. Funkční prototyp interferometrické aparatury, jakož i vyvinutá metoda, se staly předmětem českého (CZ 301826) a následně i amerického (US 8520215) patentu.
Od r. 2015 působí na Zdravotně sociální fakultě jako odborný asistent Ústavu laboratorní diagnostiky a veřejného zdraví.
Přejeme dr. Roháčkovi v nové funkci mnoho zdaru, zejména úspěšné navázání na dlouholetou spolupráci jeho fakulty s aplikační sférou a její další rozvoj.
Zároveň děkujeme dr. Rakouskému za práci v týmu KTT a přejeme mu pevné zdraví a mnoho tělesných i duševních sil v jeho další životní etapě.
Technologický skaut FROV JU na Seafood Expo Global
Ve dnech 25.-28.4. se v Bruselu konal veletrh Seafood Expo Global, kterého se zúčastnil i zástupce Kanceláře transferu technologiií, technologický skaut Fakulty rybářství a ohrany vod. Tato akce patří mezi největší v oblasti ochodu s mořkými plody, své aktivity zde představilo více než 1 700 firem ze 75 zemí světa. Na veletrhu mimo jiné proběhlo jednání se zástupci skupiny Metro o dodávkách chlazených filet a opracovaných trupů z fakultní zpracovny ryb.
Seminář na téma dotačních možností z PRV
17. března 2016 proběhl v Klubu Akademické knihovny Jihočeské univerzity další ze série pravidelných seminářů pořádaných Kanceláří transferu technologií.
Aktuálně z Kanceláře transferu technologií JU
15. 3. 2016 - Přinášíme vám stručný přehled událostí za poslední období
Třeboňské setkání řasových biotechnologů
30.11.2015 proběhlo v Centru ALGATECH Mikrobiologického ústavu AV ČR v Třeboni první setkání řasových biotechnologů České republiky. Zastoupeno zde bylo 5 výzkumných pracovišť Akademie věd České republiky, 3 univerzitní pracoviště a 5 privátních firem, svou práci představili nejvýznamnější čeští odborníci na řasovou biotechnologii.
Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems
Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems
Who are we?
Our department mainly educates professionals for practice in health care. Therefore, our scientific and research activity is focused on practical applications. We can offer the experience of our staff in the field of laboratory diagnostic methods, including molecular diagnostics based on DNA and cooperation in the field of genetically modified organisms and computer modeling.
Research focus:
- molecular diagnostic methods using the properties of molecules and interactions between molecules for molecular recognition and recognition of biological structures; specific applications are focused on the screening method using DNA hybridization, DNA chips for viral diagnostics
- research of genetically modified organisms
- study of molecular systems using methods of molecular modeling and simulation of processes
- practical topics directly related to laboratory practice and information systems
Points of interest - molecular diagnostics
Molecular diagnostics, based on the mutual recognition of molecules, is an integral part of many practical applications in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry, toxicology, the natural environment, the food industry, agricultural production, etc. In a pilot research project, the department developed detection methods specifically aimed at the detection of plant pathogens - bacteria and viruses that provide prerequisites for further applications requiring rapid diagnosis, particularly where it is required to test samples for a larger (virtually unlimited) number of different microorganisms simultaneously. The Department is in contact with leading European institutions that are participating in the development of DNA chips in the COST program and in cooperation which was formed during carrying out the bilateral project of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft focused on the modeling of DNA chips. The Department provides consultation on the use of modern molecular diagnostic methods in practice and if necessary it also assists in the development and application of methods in different conditions.
Laboratory diagnostic methods for the purpose of medical diagnostics
The department guarantees the medical specialization – Medical laboratory assistant, which is focused on the education of laboratory staff for practice in hospitals and other medical facilities. We dispose of leading experts for teaching this discipline. Within theses, appropriately assigned tasks aimed at the verification or comparison of laboratory methods for particular files, preferably with an application in health service, can be addressed.
Computer molecular modeling
Computer molecular modeling enables the performance of complex experiments to verify and predict the behavior of molecules and molecular systems in silico, meaning via computer simulation. This approach saves time and costs in the development of new materials, pharmaceuticals and all systems that use the properties of molecules, such as molecular sensors or anticancer drugs.
The Department of Laboratory Methods and Information Systems has extensive experience in the molecular modeling of the interactions of biological molecules, especially nucleic acids, which it can provide during consultations or for the analysis of specific systems using methods of molecular modeling and other methods of modeling and the simulation of functions.
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Faculty of Health and Social Studies
Faculty of Health and Social Studies
Who are we?
The Faculty of Health and Social Studies of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice commenced its operations in 1990 as part of the Faculty of Education. As a classical humanities-oriented university it deals with health and social issues. It was already operating at the height of the educational process during its first term, so starting from the beginning of the next academic year, i.e. 1991/1992, it became an independent faculty of the University of South Bohemia.
The USB Faculty of Health and Social Studies was legally established on 8 November 1991 by the USB Academic Senate. It has long been focused on the development of education, the promotion of knowledge and creative scientific work in the health and social field and in related interdisciplinary and border areas.
Note: In addition to the introductory paragraph a new video about FHSS shall be inserted
What do we do and for whom?
The faculty provides students with a university education in bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs. The fields are aimed at prevention, rehabilitation and a holistic approach for all age groups, with the ultimate aim to maintain and improve their quality of life. The faculty is dedicated to the teaching of university-educated professionals in several study programs: nursing, midwifery, specialization in health care, rehabilitation, public health, social policy and social work, special education, biophysics, population protection and a program in English - nursing.
Within the framework of lifelong learning, the faculty offers study focused on the professional competence to practice the given profession, the programs are designed to enhance professional expertise in accordance with applicable legislation.
Within the framework of the University of the Third Age, the faculty offers several study courses.
In the field of nursing, research leading to the improved quality of care of patients and nursing care - particularly multicultural nursing, clearly dominates. In the area of social rehabilitation, the scientific and research work of the faculty is focused mainly on improving the living conditions of the handicapped and the problems of the young generation, where constant attention is paid to accidents, violence and children's rights. Research is focused primarily on the situation in the Czech Republic. The areas of the quality of life, especially for the 50+ generation, social policy and the study of the human rights of minorities living in the Czech Republic are also given attention. In the field of population protection, research activity is focused on the study of the influence of permanently present NOx in the environment that is a result of both natural processes and human activities as well as the interaction of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Furthermore, in the field of laboratory methods, scientific work is focused on molecular diagnostic methods, detection methods using DNA hybridization, DNA chips for diagnosing viruses and the research of genetically modified organisms.
The USB Faculty of Health and Social Studies is now in the Czech Republic considered an important institution for the preparation of specialists, particularly in the area of nursing and other health and social programs, which is also reflected in the representation of its members on the scientific and academic boards of like-minded faculties of other universities. The permanent goal of all research groups is to participate in the management of projects under the 7th Framework Program of the European Union. The USB Faculty of Health and Social Studies, or the Department of Radiology, Toxicology and Population Protection, is currently involved in solving an international project under the Euratom 7RP EU program.
Why do we exist?
The faculty offers full-time and combined studies. As a classic humanities-oriented university it is collectively engaged in the composition of health and social issues.
• bachelor degree studies - 8 study programs (13 fields);
• follow-up master's degree studies – 4 study programs (4 fields);
• doctoral degree studies - 2 study programs (2 fields);
We see the need to create e-learning courses, including the creation of study materials in Moodle, as a necessity.
Lifelong learning: The faculty also focuses on lifelong learning, especially by organizing short-term training courses, usable for the legislatively defined obligation of lifelong learning for social workers.
Education in English - a post-graduate program in International family and social studies (Graduate certificate in International Family and Community Studies) offered by the Faculty of Post-Graduate Studies at the University in Clemson, South Carolina, USA, designed to prepare students for the international field of public social work, is a very attractive course.
U3V – University of the Third Age: The University of the Third Age is implemented in several semester-long educational fields, modules, and interest related courses, especially language and computers. The meaning and mission of the University of the Third Age lies in the capacity of citizens to expand their knowledge in the fields offered without the necessary connection with professional knowledge.
The faculty significantly contributes to the scientific and research activities in the field of health, social and related fields. The faculty management began to address and support a variety of activities and supporting projects in order to increase scientific research. The faculty is constantly increasing the number of projects successfully received.
Scientific, research and other creative activities are carried out in their entirety from investigative research to applied research, development activities and addressing current social orders and practical needs. It is derived from the intention of a long-term orientation and includes in particular research projects solved within the announced international, governmental, ministerial and other projects, furthermore research, expert and other projects implemented on the basis of cooperation agreements with other institutions and practices based on public procurement. Key areas of grant activities of USB HSSF include:
- determinants of health;
- nursing in selected clinical disciplines;
- pediatrics;
- sociology;
- ethnic minorities and immigrants;
- professional ethics;
- quality of life;
- the environment;
- the safety of the population;
- biotechnology;
- physical chemistry.
The faculty encourages cooperation and its development on the international level and creates conditions for the mobility of students, academics and researchers. It organizes activities for strengthening the relationship between universities, multinational, national and regional institutions. Foreign partner university / faculty organizations are almost worldwide, while the contacts are maintained and organized by the Department of Foreign Relations. Countries where we can find a partner institution of the faculty include, for example: Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, South Africa, Canada, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Germany, Austria, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Thailand, Ukraine, the United States, United Kingdom, Zambia. The Department of Foreign Relations focuses on the mobility of students and teachers and humanitarian development activities.
The publishing and distribution activities of USB HSSF provide a complete service for the publishing of magazines, scripts, supports, collections, information and promotional materials of the faculty (technical and professional editors, text editing, proofreading, typesetting, printing) With professional publishing houses (Triton, Grada, Galen etc.) it corrects the publishing of monographs. Representative magazines of the faculty - Contact and the Journal of Applied Biomedicine - have been issued since 2014 in partnership with the prestigious Dutch publishing house Elsevier. Publishing and distribution activities are also ensured by the editorial activities of the various magazines.
Issued periodicals:
- Journal of Applied Biomedicine;
- Contact;
- Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health, and Rehabilitation.
What are our aims?
- We want to provide our students with a high-quality university education and respond flexibly to the needs of the application sphere.
- In the field of science and research we want to enable the linking of scientific and research activities in collaboration with industry and engage students in this research.
- We want to contribute to the development of all scientific disciplines, which are the basis of our education areas.
Contact information
Faculty of Health and Social Studies
J. Boreckého 27
370 11 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Registration No.: 600 766 58
Phone: +420 389 037 501
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Department of Social Work
Department of Social Work
Who are we?
The Department of Social Work creates conditions for the teaching of subjects such as social policy (social services), theories and methods of social work (with minorities, youth at risk, the elderly), sociology, professional practice and supervision, methods of sociological research etc. This concerns disciplines of both a theoretical and applied nature.
The department cooperates with a number of foreign universities from Germany, Austria, Holland, Belgium, Hungary, England, the United States etc.
What do we do and for whom?
The academic staff of the department ensures the education of students in bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programs focused on health and social issues, as well as participating in teaching other forms of education, for example lifelong learning and the University of the Third Age. Employees of the department lead and oppose bachelor's, master's and dissertation theses.
Cooperation with practice:
The Department of Social Work provides professional practice and supervision for students in the field Rehabilitation-psychosocial care for handicapped children, adults and seniors and Social work in public administration. It cooperates very closely with workplaces that provide our students with the opportunity to perform professional practice.
Science and research:
Members of the department actively participate as investigators and co-investigators of scientific research projects. They are engaged in scientific and research teams abroad and participate, for example, in the implementation of the International Social Work Week, which takes place every year and is associated with the mobility of students, but also the mobility of foreign and domestic academics.
What are our aims?
Our goal is to offer services related to teaching and research activities of an applied or scientific nature. In line with the trends in the social sphere, we will focus on expanding the spectrum of creative activities and the knowledge and skill potential of students and teachers.
Finally, we encourage the mobility of students and academics at foreign universities. Cooperation with partner universities will continue to be developed and expanded.
Cooperation with practice
We will deepen cooperation with workplaces, where the professional practice of students is performed, for example, by offering continuing education for employees of these organizations, and by the meeting of trainers with academic staff at the faculty etc.
Science and research:
The long-term research goal of the department staff is to develop the application of and methods of key social science disciplines, as well as design and publishing activities.
Contact information
Dr. Slavomír Rakouský
Technology scout of Fac. Health&Soc. Studies
University of South Bohemia
Branišovská 31
370 05 České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone/ +420 387 772 279
E/ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.